Matching Gifts

You can help make a difference with your tax-deductible membership or donation!

Your donation helps preserve and protect the lighthouses and keep them open for thousands of visitors every year. Please consider an individual or family membership, a donation, or a contribution in honor or in memory of a loved one. Help protect this history for future generations.

Step 1:

Fill out the Corporate Donation Matching Form below. You will receive an email receipt with the amount you have donated along with the information you provided. Print out the email receipt as well as a hard copy of the Corporate Donation Form and take them with you to your company.

Step 2:

Bring your donation receipt and company matching form to your Human Resource Department, Marketing Manager or person in charge of corporate giving and ask them to have your company sign up to match your donation to The Michigan Lighthouse Conservancy. It’s that easy!

Corporate Donation Matching

The Michigan Lighthouse Conservancy, is a 501(c)(3) organization under the laws of the State of Michigan. All donations are tax deductible. Its Federal Tax I.D. number is 38-2569827 confirmed by the Internal Revenue Service letter dated 15 May 2001. Copies of the confirmation letter can be supplied on request.